These services would acquire Explore Translation to be present with you.
We offer anything from house hunting appointments, hospital visits, and government meetings.
For receiving these services, please email us at or send a message via Explore Translation Facebook Page.


— Health care/government business in any foreign country can be intimidating, but not with Explore Translation at your side! We will accompany you and assist in communicating smoothly with Japanese-speaking locals. This may be combined with scheduling an appointment and translating any follow-up paperwork.
*Assistance available in Iwakuni, Sasebo, Kanagawa (Yokosuka, Atsugi, Zama bases) areas

Note : Many insurance companies reimburse translation services. Be sure to check what your policy offers.

◆$40/hr for 1st hour & $15/30mins after
*Service time begins at scheduled meet-up or on-site arrival. Delays may affect duration.
*Traveling costs apply depending on distance
*Additional $10/hour apply for outside business hours (until 9pm)

【Medical】*Starting Jan. 2023
◆$45/hr for 1st hour & $17.50/30mins after
*Service time begins at scheduled meet-up or on-site arrival. Delays may affect duration.
*Traveling costs apply depending on distance
*Additional $10/hour apply for outside business hours (until 9pm)

*Rates above are for scheduled appointments
Urgent care translation services that are provided after 9pm...$65/hour

◆$50/hr for 1st hour & $20/30mins after
*Service time begins at scheduled meet-up or on-site arrival. Delays may affect duration.
*Traveling costs apply depending on distance
*Additional $10/hour apply for outside business hours (until 9pm)


***Our traveling fee for a round trip***
◆Iwakuni / Sasebo
(One way from MB)

Please inquire if it’s further than above.

◆Iwakuni / Sasebo
(One way from MB)

Please inquire if it’s further than above.

◆Yokosuka MB / Atsugi /Zama
(One way from base translator belongs) *Updated in Jan. 2023

*Additional charge applies if there is a parking cost.
Please inquire if it’s further than above.

Cancellation Policy

【ET's Cancellation Policy】
To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide cancellation notice at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Timely cancellations give others the best chance to make use of the appointment slots that opened up.

Following charge will be assessed if
・Notice within 24 hours…$30
・Notice within 1 hour or no-show...$40

Thank you for understanding.

Please learn our reasonable monthly subscription services.

Please contact us via FB Messenger for the faster assistance or fill out the form below to inquire about the service.


    Phone number



    Message (required)